miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Today I felt...

Today I felt so tired I could hardly concentrate on my work ... I have a thousand ideas running around my head, a lot of other things to do, and I feel that I run out of energy ... I wish I had time to walk without the weight of a office job (I love that job, it's true)...but I want to create, design, knitting ... take liters of green tea and petting my cat.

...Definitely, today I take the time to do all that. At the end, of that it's all, to make decisions that make you happy :)

2 comentarios:

Luloveshandmade dijo...

I've just added your widget to my blog! :)
Love, Lu

memegalarce dijo...

Thanks for support my blog too!
I added your widget today :) I love it!